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Project 2 (SOUND) + Critiques


Updated: Mar 3, 2021

TITLE: serenity through chaos


Rob Armstrong:

Initially, I felt as if I was supposed to feel creeped out, but the more I listened the more I was just intrigued. It made me feel as if I was watching a movie and waiting for something to happen, and I wanted to know what. I thought there could be more of a clear conveying emotion. I love the way that the sounds were blended together, felt very uniform even though the noises were all independent from one another. Sounds very cinematic in my opinion (reminds me of Prometheus).


Off the bat, I really really like this one. It sounds just like time passing as you sit there and observe the world around you subconsciously. This one also feels very cinematic, I’m picturing different scenes that this can fit with. I love the inclusion of what sounds like a harp. I don’t dislike anything about this one. This piece makes me feel at peace.


This one makes me feel a little uneasy. It reminds me of someone being trapped in some alien testing facility while you hear all these weird sounds playing from outside your tube. My critique would be to maybe lower the sounds of some of the clips so they aren’t so ear shattering. I like how this one makes me think about the sound, I can envision a bunch of different sci fi scenarios that can relate to this.


This gives me Midsommer vibes. It makes me feel as if I’m in a physically beautiful space, but I’m surrounded by very dark and disturbing energy. Something that could use some improvement from it was blending together the noises better (but maybe e that was on purpose). By the end of this clip I felt very uneasy.


This makes me feel like I’m a parent, I can imagine this is what it was like for my parents. Constant children’s noise in the background, baby crying, drawing sounds. It reminds me of someone who is selflessly taking care of their baby while feeling stress of having their life changed. I can tell from the sounds of the voice that having a baby is exhausting.


This makes me feel as though I’m a wonderer who is just looking for themselves. It makes me feel completely disconnected fro reality and I’m able to connect with myself. I wish there was a little more sounds so it didn’t sound so repetitive. I really like how this made me feel disconnected from everything except myself.


This one made me feel uneasy. As if I was being trapped somewhere and being forced to stay. The noises sounded very disturbing which I think helped convey the emotion that Caden was trying to present. I like the breaks between certain sounds, they made it feel more creepy. Maybe just add a little less uniformity to the sounds, but besides that I really enjoyed listening to this.


This made me feel stressed. There was a lot of chaos and pandemonium going that makes it impossible to focus on one thing in your life. It made me feel as if everyones problems became my problems and I can’t even focus on myself. I like everything about this one, I think it tells a good story.


This makes me feel like I’m overloaded with stress and work. It makes me feel like I’m never able to take a break from working and take time for myself. I really like the transition to the guitar chords during the second half. It makes me feel like I finally get some time alone to reconnect and breathe.


This one felt surreal, as if I was in a dream. The sounds were all over the place, they flowed together but didn’t make sense together, just like that of a dream. I wish there was maybe just a little less repudiative sounds, but overall I really like how this one made me feel like I was in a dream.


This one made me feel very relaxed. The most relaxed I have felt from any clips so far. I love the subtle guitar to intrude what feels like an adventure I’m about to take without worrying about where I will be lead. It makes me feel like everything is going to be ok. I wish there wasn’t so many breaks in between some of the sounds, if it flowed together more I think it would be more cohesive. Overall, I love this one, it made me feel like I was on an adventure with crazy twists and turns on the way. Sometimes I felt nervous, while other times I was scared, while other times I was so happy. Great piece.


This one felt very trippy. It gave me a vibe of someone questioning everything they have ever learned and don’t know what to do now. It reminds me of someone who is constantly in their head too much and not enjoying the present moment of physical reality. I really like the different incorporations of the different sound bites, the juxtaposition makes this piece feel very cohesive.


This made me feel like I was in a movie for a unsuspecting hero about to go on a journey to save a city or something. I love the beginning where it almost feels like a loading screen and then it goes into this feeling of waiting. I wish there was more in the middle section instead of static. I really like this one overall it made me feel like a main character in a video game.


This one made me feel like I was in a shop of some sorts, Mayne like a cafe. And I feel like Im thriving while im typing thesis or something while everyone around me goes about there lives. I don’t have any critique about this one, I love everything about it. It flows perfectly, the sounds all match together really well, and the music in the background fits perfectly throughout the whole piece.


This one made me feel like I was inside a kitchen with someone preparing a meal. I like how all the sounds flowed together pretty seamlessly. One thing I would change about this one is maybe just have a more concise beginning that sets up the rest of the clip. I really like how this piece maintained consistency throughout the entirety of the clip.


I love how calming and realizing this one was. It made me reflect on everything I was grateful for and allowed to me to properly experience the present instead of worrying about the past and the future. I love the continuous guitar rift through the entire track, it makes me feel like I am in a very serene space and have nothing to worry about in the world. I don’t have anything I would change about this, I really enjoy it.


This one made me feel as if I was in a video game where I take deep sea adventures. It reminded me a lot of the vibes that the legend of Zelda use to give me when I would play on my Gameboy. I Love how there is a concise beginning, middle and end. It makes it feel like a story is being told. I don’t have anything I would change about this one, it feels very authentic.


This reminds me of the hustle and bustle of a highly populated area like Manhattan. This reminds me of when I would go to the pier in NYC and hangout with my friends and skateboard. I would maybe pic some sound clips that fit more with the vibe of the track (like the transition clips). Other than that, I like how this really paints an image and scene in my mind.


This one made me feel very on edge and anxious. The introductory slurping sounds immediately made me want to crawl out of my skin. The completely different sounds that change randomly but somehow fit together are very satisfying even though some of them are disturbing. It makes me feel as if im time traveling through a lifetime of memories, similarly what happens when someone is in a near death experience. I don’t think I would change anything about this one, I really like the emotions it makes me feel. It really makes me think about what I’m listening to.

Sarah O:

This one makes me feel as if I’m drifting into sleep and I’m starting to dream while also hearing the things that are going on in reality. This one is very fluid with the sounds used to create the track. I really like how this one makes me think about what is going on and how it makes me feel when listening to it. It makes me feel at ease and safe where I am, and that there is no threat that could possible make me feel uneasy. I love how there are birds chirping throughout a majority of the track, it makes everything that much more calming for me. I associate birds chirping with serenity.


This makes me feel very uneasy. I don’t know how to describe it, but it makes me feel as if I have no control over something important in my life. I am impressive with how this emotion was able to be conveyed throughout the entirely of the track. One thing I would change was maybe not have the water dripping be throughout the entire track, but maybe just in bits and pieces (but I still really like the dripping throughout the whole thing it puts me on the edge of my seat). Overall, I really like this one, it gave me an uneasy vibe (which I believe was the point), it was executed very well.


This one made me feel very anxious, as if something bad was about to happen to me. It reminds me of the horror movies. I really really like the crows and the owls in the background, it makes things more ominous. Maybe if someone of the transitions faded out it would make them a little cleaner. But besides that, I love how this one was executed. It makes me feel like I’m walking down an ally in the middle of the night in somewhere I’ve never been before.


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